
In office Whitening

Before and after photo of same day whitening on one of our patients. This procedure takes about an hour in the chair.  We have three different in office whitening systems : KOR whitening, GLO Whitening, and BOOST Whitening, which are tailored to each individual's whitening needs.




Cosmetic Crown #9

Restored #9 with ceramic/porcelain crown. Our patient loved the esthetics!





Before and after photos of Invisalign treatment on an adult (before we whitened the teeth). Patient was happy with treatment. Her main concern was the gap and alignment of her two front teeth. We were able to straighten and correct her bite on the top and bottom arch. 




This is a new set of dentures that we made to replace a 20 year old set that our patient was still wearing. He was so happy with the look and fit of his new dentures!





Before and after photos of Dermafiller/Juvederm placed in the lip.  These pictures were taken a day apart, and so you can still see some minor bruising on the lips.  Patient reported little/no discomfort during the procedure!